click on a characters name to learn about them!
+ kaito was the first male vocaloid+ he was the fifth vocaloid released overall+ he has short blue hair and blue eyes, and usually seen with a long blue scarf+ special item: ice cream!
some of my favorite kaito songs!
> hameln - listen here!
> catch the wave - listen here!
+ first japanese vocaloid+ often depicted drunk by fandom+ short brown hair, brown eyes, red clothing, sometimes shown with microphone+ special item: sake, a japanese alcoholic drink
some of my favorite meiko songs!
> LSO - listen here!
> passionaire - listen here!
+ the most popular and well known vocaloid+ has preformed live at events like COACHELLA+ long cyan pigtails, cyan eyes and sometimes shown with headset+ special item: leek
some of my favorite miku songs!
> viva viva happy - listen here!
> no thank you! - listen here!
> two faced lovers - listen here!
> kuru kuru pa - listen here!
> ageage again - listen here!
> world is mine - listen here!